Fix Cut Off Feet Or Head

The Great Quick Shot That Cuts Off Part Of The Body With the current Photoshop Generative Fill, here is 1 quick way to fix cut off feet or head:   In Photoshop expand the the vertical Canvas, by 500 pixels Drag the photo to the top, so you only...

Change A Snapshot Into A Photo

Assuming a snapshot is a quick point and shoot and a photo is a well laid out combination of scene, people and light, how do you Change A Snapshot Into A Photo? If you want to avoid post processing, try to remember some basic rules: Try to get the...

Mist, Haze & Fog Photography

Ah, those clear blue skies with wild cloud patterns, or multi colored sunsets . . . such beautiful photos. And there is also, 2 color, black and white, night shots . . . and Mist, Haze & Fog As with most posts of mine I start out with the...

Close Up Photography Through Cropping

Decades ago,  in the days of film and prints,   I owned a macro lens. Today, I practice Digital Close Up Photography Or, close up photography through cropping. While I still have a few legacy close up shots that I scanned from old prints,  and a few I still shoot...

4 Sports Photo Shoot Tips

This website has  nice photo galleries of beaches and bicycling.   When I offered to create a gallery for one of my pickleball groups it quickly became apparent, that, unlike beaches and bicycling galleries, I would not have multiple locations,  different times of day, or a whole lot variety.  I...

Minimal Black Photography 5 Examples

Desaturate Green, Blue, Aqua and Purple Less saturate Red, Yellow and Orange Try to figure out what to do with Magenta Or reverse the above This all  leads to my experimentations with Minimal Black Photography I actually discovered this by accident, just browsing photos on the internet. I also...

9 High Photo Scores From Local Camera Club

The Challenge To Get High Photo Scores Is Just What Is Needed To Improve Your Skill Set For many years, most of what I shot was landscapes.   For the last seven years or so, I decided to broaden my horizons.  While I still place my feelings about a photo...

My Photographic Endeavors

My photographic endeavors do not rise to the level of professionals or self appointed photography pro. My car, and even my bicycle,  cost more than my camera and lenses. I am reasonably patient when taking photographs, but will rarely wait an hour for the perfect shot. I can use...

30 Second Photo Shoot Perfection

A Blah Series Of Photos Until The End Of The Walk, Terminating,  In The Last 30 Seconds In [edsanimate_start entry_animation_type= “appear” entry_delay= “0” entry_duration= “3” entry_timing= “linear” exit_animation_type= “” exit_delay= “” exit_duration= “” exit_timing= “” animation_repeat= “1” keep= “yes” animate_on= “load” scroll_offset= “” custom_css_class= “”]Photo Shoot Perfection[edsanimate_end] After a...

Creative Beach Photos, 5 Examples

I take a lot of photos at beaches. Some a really great. Most are just nice. So, I wondered what would happen if I re worked a couple of dozen to get some more creative beach photos, post processing. I came up with some interesting variations. Creative Beach Photos...