Minimal Black Photography 5 Examples

  • Desaturate Green, Blue, Aqua and Purple
  • Less saturate Red, Yellow and Orange
  • Try to figure out what to do with Magenta
  • Or reverse the above

This all  leads to my experimentations with

Minimal Black Photography

I actually discovered this by accident, just browsing photos on the internet.

I also saw an ad on Facebook for minimal black presets.   After looking at one tutorial, however,  I realized anyone could create these themselves.

Minimal Black Photography
Times Square area, NYC. Much of what I see in this type of photo is in the RYO (red yellow orange) spectrum.

To generate the above, I completely desaturated everything except red, yellow and orange. I then partially desaturated those colors and did whatever other adjustments to the photo I wished. In Lightroom I then created a new preset under the heading Glenn (my name) and called it Minimal Black RYO.

In Lightroom,  once the photo is adjusted click on the + next to the word Presets.

Presets Symbol

After you click on the + you can add a new Group by clicking on Group, or add a new preset to an existing group.

create preset or group

I did want to see what I could do with the blue, green and aqua sliders as well, although the cyclists do look weird.

Bike Race

However, the landscape below seems to work.  DSC 1557


I then tried yellow and blue, as there seems to be no real limit on how you can manipulate saturation.  This too, came out well.

One more in the red orange genre was just before the Sturgis bicycle rally in SD.

GRA 0102
Sturgis Bike Rally, Black Hills, SD


DSC 3788 Edit Edit
NYC Skyscrapers –  Orange and Blue






A good tutorial on this is here

More sample photos

My Not 4 Color Gallery

In my gallery, I also experiment with sepia, sepia and color 2 color and black & white.

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