Artistic Photographs & Artwork, Posts & eCards
Artistic Photographs & Unique Artwork
There is a pleasure, finally, in building a website that is not dependent on anything but the enjoyment I get putting it all together.
11/29/2023 The more I learn about Photography, Lightroom and Photoshop, the more I realize I still do not know. It all provides a fun challenge, as my knowledge and skillset continually grow.
Years ago, I focused my work on landscapes. Since that time I have experimented with multiple other types of photography. Unfortunately or not, I rely more and more on my cell phone, as these cameras get better and my post processing software has gone from excellent to superlative.
Sunset, hiking in the Northern California Redwoods.
For me, Susan, creating art is a deeply immersive experience, one where I am fully present in the moment.
I use the word artistic because I try, really hard, to not present snapshots in my collections. With the plethora of photographic websites on the internet, it behooves me to attempt to present something interesting.
A little different. All from our photographs and paintings. Absolutely free.
Possibly interesting, far from earth shattering posts on the types of different photos I have taken, as well as general topics such as catching the light and my post processing techniques.
Since the age of digital my long lost interest in photography renewed itself (if I could but do that with aging 🙂 ).
I bought good equipment, struggled to learn Photoshop and started my 21st century collection.
I also scanned about 30% of my thousands of slides, from film days, into digital format. Scanning was an interesting exercise, as I realized 30% was really all I needed for a complete photo history. The 70% I discarded was more of the same.
My photos, were, initially, landscape and more landscape.
I now also include people (but rarely portrait), city/street scenes and animals.
Several years ago, I started my creative collection, some out of the camera, but most post processing.
About the time I got back in to photography, Susan, my wife, rekindled (yes, the word has a non electronic meaning) her interest in art.
Her acrylic work is predominant on this website, and keeps getting better and better.
Recently, she started working with pastels as well.
See more at Unsplash and Flickr
Glenn Abelson . . .