Beach Tel Aviv
View From Herod's Castle
Western Wall, Temple Mount & Church of the Holy Secpulchre Jerusalem
Dome of the Rock Jerusalem
Western Wall Temple of the Mount, Jerusalem
In The Old City Jerusalem
Watching The World Go By
Valley of Tears
Nazareth Area
Acre Ruins
Dead Sea
Catching Fish Sea of Galilee, Israel
On Top Of Masada
View from Massada, Israel 2007
Selling Sardines Israel
Negav Desert
In The Old City, Under Jerusalem
The Wall Of Jerusalem
Model of the Second Temple
Three Women Israel
Acre (Akko) The city of Acre or Akko is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, dating back to the time of the Pharaoh Thutmose III (1504-1450 BCE). It is a city of intrigue, where you can walk through labyrinthine alleys and streets and explore the remnants of Crusader, Muslim and Ottoman conquerors. Walking along the walls of the city, you also get a spectacular view of the sea and the city of Haifa
Soldiers On Leave